Thursday, October 24, 2013

Books, Life Changing or Not?

I was once again on the art debate website and found yet another debate that was all one sided. This one was titled "Can books change your life?" Everyone said yes, but I have to admit that a few of the responses bothered me. There were some who said that the Hunger Games changed their lives because it got them into running and climbing, yada yada yada. I don't think that those were the kinds of changes that the asker was looking for. I think they were looking more for inspiration to do something great, for example after reading this book called "A story of a girl" I began thinking about the number of people that were bullied and hurting because of lies and harsh things that others have done to them. I think that books do change people in the way that a good song can change you. It could make you re-evaluate your life's decisions and really think about your choices.

Please comment any good books that have changed your life, or anything that has given you inspiration.

Until I write again
Au revoir,

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