Saturday, October 19, 2013

Art of the heArt

Today I witnessed someone creating some real heart... Actually I saw my mother make a homeless man's day. I'll explain:
We were on our way to the store, and we always stop at this specific curb to give some money to the pan handlers on the corner, and today this man was so exuberant about the change we were able to give him that my mother gave him the soda we had just bought. He started to cry and opened it right up. We continued on our way to the store and my mother couldn't get the look of the man's happiness out of her head, so we went on a food shopping spree for him. We bought him some cans of ravioli, sandwich meat, and a loaf of bread. I could feel my mother smiling all the way back over to where the gentleman was still sitting. As we pulled up next to him he waved really big and we waved him over. We handed him the food and he got tears in his eyes. He said "If there's anything I can ever do to repay you.." and my mother cut him off saying "Happy Halloween" with the brightest smile I've ever seen on her face. The man said he could go back to where he slept now, he had enough food, so he didn't have to be in the cold anymore. There was some faith in humanity restored right then. 
I realize that this may not seem like art to some, but to me it was the best kind of art out there. The type of art that really touches your heart and that you'll remember for the rest of your life. 
There is actually some videos on YouTube that have been going around where people are doing about the same thing. Making The Homeless Smile I keep saying how art is about heART, and that art makes the world beautiful, well these acts of kindness are making the world beautiful. It doesn't take much, just a little contribution to the community and you could make someone's life better. Because you gave them hope, and that's a lot for someone who doesn't have anything. 
If you would like to comment a story of an act of kindness that you've seen, please do. I'd love to hear about the wonderful things people are doing around the world.

Until I write again
Au revoir,

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