This Blog
Alright, lets start with the basics. I will be writing about my family as well as others. There WILL be statistics, family stories, and random things I deem important and or relevant to my blog.
Now about me. My name is Lakota. No I am not Native American and yes I do know that there is a Lakota Indian tribe. I have five brothers. My oldest brother I don't know because he is 30 something and lives in Germany. He is my step-brother. Benjamin is my 26 year old step-brother as well. My 19 year old Brother Robert was named after my father, the 14 year old Tytan is my closest friend. My last brother is named Ian, he is 9 years old and also a step-brother. I do have a sister bus she passed away before I was born. She would be a year older than I am now. My father I no longer see, and my mother got remarried two years ago to my step-father D.
Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my family. We normally get along great. but I know that in every family there is always some type of conflict that arises sometime. Not everything is just peaches and cream. In my family we have lots of conflicts, and currently I am in the middle of a huge conflict with my D. The point of my whole blog is to let you in on some of the little things that make families go round, to share some stories that maybe someone can relate to, and to help not only you (the reader) but also myself realize why we as people do what we do in family situations. Okay so there is some Psychology involved but hey, that's what I want to write about.
I'm going to share with you the short story of how I decided to blog about my family. First of all I just recently got a much larger family, and second, there are soooooo many things that you can include in family discussions its not even funny. I'm pretty sure sometime I'm going to blog about the awful music my brothers prefer, or about by best friend Dakota who happens to practically be my sister. Plus family is something I'm pretty sure everyone has some form of feeling toward.
Anyway that's all for this blog.
Until Next Time
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