Thursday, April 3, 2014

Musical/Medical Benefits

Musical Medical Benefits
A few years ago I had to pick a topic I was passionate about to give a serious speech on. It was no surprise that I chose music, but the topic had to involve health in some way. So I asked the question “Does music have any medical benefits?” Before I did my research I came up with my own opinion. It does. It can be therapeutic, energizing, and much more. Something I say a lot is that music helps me through a lot like workouts, homework, cleaning, bathing… It is literally my go to when I am stressed. Music can also help me remember what I was doing… It’s like magic for me, so I was hoping it was the same for other people too.
The Top 10 Reasons that music is beneficial in several different ways. My personal favorite use in the Intelligence enhancing benefit. The fact that I could be getting smarter just by listening to my favorite songs. Not only does this article point out that music helps people concentrate, it also improves memory performance. These are things that I’ve said before in some of my blogs.
Health Benefits of Music shows some of the same benefits of the other website, note they both stress music’s ability to reduce stress, pain, and to increase effort for exercise. This all makes one healthier and happier. There’s no reason you shouldn’t put your headphones on right now and exercise your brain, relax your muscles, and sooth your tortured artist’s soul. But don’t listen too much to sad music when you’re feeling down… that’s not always so healthy, unless it’s fast paced… then go for it!
Until I write again
Au revior,

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