Sometimes I’ll be sitting at home, just listening to my
music and drifting off in my own head. Then all the sudden I’ll have an ear bud
ripped out and a stern looking parent in my face nagging about how “I’m never
without my music” and “I never do anything unless music is involved.” Do I get
upset? Sometimes, but I understand what they mean. I don’t even drive without
one of my CD’s on. And sleeping is impossible without my radio. There really is
nothing I do without music unless I absolutely have to and then I have to find
myself extremely busy otherwise I can’t stand the silence. This isn’t just me
that feels this way, I know a bunch of my peer group that feels the same way.
This isn’t something that I have just noticed within my
school either. It’s something that people have done a lot of research on, and
as it seems, music can push us through the hardest of times. *During a workout
the music and the fast changing auditory changes trigger alerting responses and
increase physiological arousal, causing us to be able to push through the
climax of the work. This same stimulation pushes us through boring work that
would normally lull us to sleep.*
*It is also noted that muscle movement that is coordinated
with the beat we are listening to can help us do what we are trying to do, for
example someone running with a fast paced beat is able to run farther and use
less oxygen than someone who isn’t paced with music*. The music seems to increase
neural firing and pass certain information faster than if you weren’t listening
to music. Music can also be used as a memory tool, if you’re listening to a certain
thing when you study, you tend to remember what you were learning later on when
listening to the same thing. Also making up songs or using a song you already
know as a mnemonic device is highly recommended, because then you can remember
this information better when you aren’t allowed to have music WITH you. (For
example a college exam or SATs)
I’m not going to lie, at this very moment I am listening to
music to help me concentrate on this blog. I normally do, and when I don’t listen
to music I tend to drift from really caring to what I’m saying, into feeling
like I could care less about it. It’s not the always easy to find music that
will keep you interested in what you are doing, but after of plenty of trial
and error you’ll realize what it is that will keep your mind focused and help
you excel at whatever you’re trying to do.
Until I write again
Au revior,
(**These pieces of information were found on The Globe And Mail website**)